Feb 22, 2015


We appreciate the apology from Glenn McGrath: Elephants’ relatives


Family and friends of the elephant shot by Glenn McGrath said they were ‘overwhelmed’ by the heartfelt apology the former cricketer tweeted.

“Obviously we were pretty upset at the time and it’s not something you ever forget, especially as an elephant,” a spokesman for the herd said.

“But going to the trouble of tweeting something makes up for a lot. It must have taken him a couple of minutes to do that.

“Of course, it would have been nice if the apology had come at the time, not just when Glenn was publicly exposed but what are you going to do?”

A relative of the hyenas also killed by McGrath said they were also saddened to hear Glenn was going through a difficult time when it happened.

“We feel a bit selfish now. Here we were, all upset because our loved ones had been shot for the pure fun of it and it turns out Glenn wasn’t having the best time either,” said a close relative.

“We note that Glenn has shown true remorse the minute it became embarrassing for him and threatened a heap of sponsorships he had.”

A friend of the defenseless buffalo Glenn shot for sport was less forgiving however.

“An apology is fine I guess, but wanting to shoot anything for pure fun in this day and age goes a bit to a person’s character.”

“I’m not sure an apology makes that all go away in an instant.”

Several other rare African species contacted said they hoped Glenn McGrath would stop shooting things.



Feb 22, 2015

Dear Titus, Stop winning the Internet or I will tell Glen Mc where your watering hole is....:)

Stuart Addicott

Feb 22, 2015

What was he meant to do with an animal that size Titus? There's no way it was going to fit on the lure for Punter's greyhounds.


Feb 22, 2015

Thank you Titus!

The truth hurts don;t it Glen... but not quite as much as being shot, now does it?

Never mind. Net time you go hunting, try embarrass the animals to death instead...


Feb 22, 2015

Get off your dumb sorry ass and support the animals and their protectors. Volunteer your time, money and power rather than destroy them! Then the world may believe you're sorry!! At this stage no one believes your sorry you stupid stupid idiotic man.


Feb 22, 2015

Very perceptive animal your buffalo.

Gerard O'Neill

Feb 22, 2015

I read on Wikipedia earlier today that Hermann Goering had someone shipped off to a concentration camp for cutting up a frog. One can only imagine the fun he would have had with Glenn McGrath.


Feb 22, 2015

The comment by the hyena's family is so sweet, but no need to feel selfish little fella. Some humans are just flawed in the most fundamental of ways. McGrath thought he was a gun-totin hero when he was actually just a f**kwit.


Feb 22, 2015

I didn't read/see an apology.

I only read/saw an excuse.

Tony Featherstone

Feb 22, 2015

The real Glenn McGrath has now been exposed as apposed to the one he manufactured via the death of his wife.


Feb 22, 2015

A lesson provided by Titus on how to write a stinging rebuke via the form of satire. Well done, Titus.


Feb 23, 2015

I lost a family member last year, so glad I didn't make the mistake of booking a $20,000 + trip to go put bullets in African Wildlife over and over and take numerous photos with them. Could easily have been any of us.

Richard O'Neill

Feb 23, 2015

I couldn't agree more. In hindsight, perhaps they should have shot something a tad smaller. But with no lay over in Denpassar, v dangerous!


Feb 23, 2015

Sheer brilliance. One can only imagine that those 70 odd (so far) men caught strapping piglets, bunnies and possums to lures have lost people very close to them recently.

Only one elephant's relatives though, Titus - why the plural possession apostrophe?


Feb 23, 2015

l suppose he was only being fair, a life for a life... wait a minute, l think l got that wrong how many lives should we take when we loose one? So much for feeling sad for his loss, he had to make sure other lives were lost through his time of grief... pathetic!


Feb 24, 2015

The money from hunting expeditions like the one McGrath went on actually does fund the conservation of elephants. It's not tasteful to people who dislike hunting, but without the money which comes in from rich, overseas hunters like McGrath, protection of habitat and protection against poachers would be much harder. At least, that's what National Geographic had to say on the topic. But I suppose you know better?


Feb 24, 2015

A lot of that $20,000 will help the conservation of elephants by funding things like park management. It's a strange moral gray area. Regardless of what you think about hunting, I doubt you've ever donated several thousand to the protection of elephants yourself.

Go Blues

Feb 24, 2015

Seriously Lachlan. Conservation?? In Zimbabwe? A country run by a despotic geriatric dictator. A pariah state where Mugabe effectively forcibly removed a majority of white farmers from their farms? The same Zimbabwe that has had sanctions imposed and hasn't been a part of the Commonwealth since 2003? I'm sure "conservation" is also the primary motivation for gun toting rednecks like McGrath when they pay to go on killing safari's. Protecting precious endangered wildlife and its habitat - yeh right. Twisted machismo, ego and the opportunity to pose grinning with your defenceless kill Sick.

Lexeen haworth

Feb 24, 2015

So well said, Titus. Thank you for expressing in such a unique way what is in so many hearts. my disappointment with glenn mcGrath is beyond words. As so many others have said, wanting to kill anything for pleasure totally outweighs all the so called good works that someone does. The good works seem only to be for recognition. Its the silent heart of a person that speaks so loud through the lack of compassion for another creatures pain. Shame on you Glenn. Go to God with this and ask Him to show you what this all means. When you feel real sorrow it will hurt. That is what cleanses. then you can start again vowing never to do it again and we will all believe you.


Feb 26, 2015

A brilliant article. I sincerely hope Glen gets the messages from the animal kingdom and can put this behind him once and for all.
The theory that the proceeds from safari hunting goes to animal conservation is flawed.
If over population is indeed the problem then instead of selling a "licence to kill" why not use the money to sponsor relocation?
There are many reserves whose various species are not over populated.
Hang on come to think of it mankind is over populated;
Shouldn't we be selling licences to cull?
Where should we begin?
Let's ask the elephant family shall we?

Pablo Escobar

Feb 26, 2015

You are so right Lachlan. There is no better way to show the world your passion for conservation of wild animals than to go to the other side of the world to shoot them. He was acting purely to help those poor animals. Maybe he can help all of those desperate refugees in a similar fashion? Or perhaps he could be a decent bloke and just donate money without the shooting.

Geoff Schaefer

Dec 31, 2015

Another goodie. We all hope for elephants' sake around the world that Glenn's current relationship is happy...

Snert Underpant

Dec 31, 2015

A well timed post. My goldfish died this morning and I felt sad and was just about to go out and shoot some wild animals.

Matthew Beesley

Dec 31, 2015

C*nt of a man! I don't care how good a bowler he was.

Christine Boulter

Dec 31, 2015

So well put as usual Titus

David Parker

Dec 31, 2015

Meh. A non-story. Particularly when very little is done to stop illegal poaching. Why focus on the famous people who hunt legally?

Jesse La-a Burton

Dec 31, 2015

1. Actually, a lot is being done to prevent illegal poaching but the issue is systemic and no one has a perfect formula to stop the poaching problem. If you have any ideas please feel free to reach out to any of the hundreds of conservation organisations across the globe working tirelessly to end poaching.
2. Why focus on the famous person doing it you ask? Because everyday plebs like you and me look up to famous people, we aspire to be like these people and want to mimic them. That's why famous people sponsor products and appear in advertisements because marketers know that it will influence people to change their behaviour. By shaming GM, and changing his behaviour it will likely have a flow on effect to others. Eventually, the goal would be to change how society views this issue and hopefully result in less people partaking in this barbaric and disgusting activity.

David Parker

Dec 31, 2015

Still...Meh. I grew up in South Africa and hunting is extremely common. I don't advocate hunting for sport but I also disagree with people who demand the death of people who hunt. It is foolish. If people really want to see change it needs to be funded and driven at the government level. Eg. Sending our military personnel to train anti-poaching personal. Targeting people like Glen will not lead to change...

Luan Nguyen

Dec 31, 2015

buffalo's have always been know for their stubbornness.. Let it go bro

Sean Lyons

Dec 31, 2015

Not sure anyone has called for mcgraths death yet, david. Just saying he shouldny have done it for the many many years that he has and that he should stop now.

Jesse La-a Burton

Dec 31, 2015

Neither I or the article demanded the death of GM, so that point is irrelevant. Governments are funding efforts to reduce poaching, but it's not as simple as just sending military personnel to another country. The logistics of putting troops on the ground in another country is incredibly complex and should only ever be a last resort.
If you refer to my point in the post earlier, changing the behaviours of GM and other "celebrities" will lead to change. There are hundreds of psychology papers that have tested and provide evidence to support these theories on influence. Unless you're an authority/expert on psychology or social change, your opinion is still incorrect. It's ok to be wrong though....meh.

Peter Dabbous

Dec 31, 2015

Just remember glen, elephants never forget.

Ben Tree

Dec 31, 2015

My favourite was the Kurt Tippett one.
With the coach and saying could you look for exposed bolts. Give you a way to contribute to the team. :)

Dale Mattock

Dec 31, 2015

May you never visit our herd.

Brian Mccann

Dec 31, 2015

Shoot with a camera, never a gun!

Animal lover

Aug 22, 2016

The only reason Glen is sorry is because he was caught out.
Anyone that gets pleasure from the suffering and death of Animals or any creature  is a very sick minded evil person and I hope that he gets what he deserves

Animal lover

Aug 22, 2016

Glen also wants people to raise money for breast cancer ?
I bet the large amount it cost him to go and shoot these poor defenseless Animals could have gone well towards that.
I think Glen is full of it !

Dave Carter

Nov 18, 2016

What would you expect from someone who participated in a BS rigged "sport" where the "players" get paid a fortune for their talentless activities with a bat and ball. If you believe in that rubbish I will sell you a bit of conctete and tell you its a rare meteor. The man is an overpaid disgrace along with Lee.

Jo purcrll

Dec 17, 2021

Glenn McGrath makes me 🤮. What he did was disgraceful and inhumane. A sportsman ?? Yeah right, killer more likely. A man with his profile should know better and he wants people to give to his cancer fund??? What a joke. I would not give him the smell of my arse😡😡. Disgusting human being. An apology after he was caught??? What a joke. McGrath you make me sick to my stomach. We all go through trying times but to go and shoot a defensive animal just shows what a tardy character this useless excuse for a man really is. 🤮🤮