Nov 25, 2012


Suns to Win Premiership in Three Years. Apparently.

Gold Coast Suns chairman John Witheriff has said they will win the AFL premiership within three years, Titus O’Reily sat down with him to see why he’s so confident.

Titus O’Reily: John, you’ve said the Suns will win an AFL Premiership within the next three years.

John Witheriff: That’s right and I told the reporters at the time that I expected to be laughed at. But that’s what motivates me.

Titus: Oh yeah. People are totally laughing at you. A lot.

Some people aren’t but they think it’s because you may be a bit mentally unbalanced and it would be wrong to laugh at that.

John: Well the more people laugh the more motivated I am to get up everyday and work harder.

Titus: You must be working really hard then.

John: Well people will laugh but defying that laughter is what built the Gold Coast region.

Titus: I’m pretty sure people are still laughing at that too.

When I heard what you said, I wondered if you’d ever seen a Suns’ game.

John: Well of course I have, what a ridiculous question.

Titus: Really? You just don’t go to the box and have drinks and chat? Maybe head off early to beat the traffic?

John: Look, I’ve watched every minute of every Suns’ game, most of it in person.

Titus: Wow. That’s like some sort of sadistic punishment.

John: It’s been an absolute pleasure watching a young club find its feet.

Titus: Yeah but all that time you could have been doing something else. Have you seen Season Five ofBreaking Bad? It’s amazing. Those writers…

John: What’s this got to do with the Suns?

Titus: Nothing really but who cares about the Suns? I mean you had to come out and say something absurd just to get some media coverage.

John: It’s not absurd. When I said we would win a Premiership in three years, I meant it. We have a plan and we are executing on it.

Titus: Is your plan to play Richmond every week?

John: I don’t really appreciate your tone during this interview.

Titus: I get that a lot. You’re not going to turn around in three years and say ‘Oh, I meant three Pluto years not Earth years.’

John: No.

Titus: You should really think about it. If I were you, I’d walk into my media manager’s office and say, ‘Start coming up with ways to get me out of this.’

John: I think this interview is over.

Titus: Calm down. You said your Director of Coaching, Malcolm Blight, urged you to be bold.

John: Yes, he did. We talk a lot about the future of the club.

Titus: I kind of imagine you both sitting there one night, chewing the fat in the warmth of a Gold Coast evening and Malcolm says to you, ‘Be bold!’ and you say, ‘We will win the Premiership in three years.’

Malcolm then gets very serious, looks you in the eye and says, ‘This marijuana is bloody strong.’

Is that what happened?

At this point John strangely gets up and leaves.