Aug 14, 2013


Stephen Dank and Sam Newman Have Lunch

Stephen Dank and Sam Newman were spotted this week by the Herald Sun having lunch in Chapel Street. Here’s what was said:

Dank: Sam!

Newman: Stephen!

Dank: Good to see you mate. You’re looking ageless.

Newman: How are you with those awful people at ASADA after you?

Dank: It’s stressful Sammy. It’s like you can’t just go around injecting other people any more.

Newman: It’s outrageous! I like having people inject me with things.

Dank: There’s some Mexican stuff you should try Sammy. It makes you look a lot younger but a bit weird.

Newman: I’m interested but I don’t want anyone to know I’ve had some work.

Dank: Oh of course. You have to stay looking natural.

Newman: Stephan, We’re very keen to get you to come on the Footy Show.

Dank: Really? Me? I’m not sure Sam. I’ve got this weird compulsion to continually put my self in the public eye even though it usually results in me looking stupid.

Newman: That sounds awful. I can’t imagine what that would be like.

Dank: It’s the bloody media Sam. They just hound you.

Newman: Oh hang on a sec, it’s the Herald Sun.

Dank: Took them a while to find us. I left pretty clear instructions.

Newman: Next time, we’ll have to do it in the café in their building.

Herald Sun: Hi guys, any chance of a few words?

Newman: Absolutely not! I will not comment on the possibility of Stephen Dank being on the formerly high rating, The Footy Show.

Herald Sun: Oh, ok. Well, could you comment on the AFL charging Essendon and their staff?

Dank: No comment mate. Sam and I are just old friends. Now for the photo, I thought you could stand across the street and shoot us through the window to make it look more interesting than it actually is.

Herald Sun: Are you sure? I could get one here in the restaurant.

Newman: No, do it from outside, I’ll look focused and worried. It’s really the only look my face can do these days.

Dank: See Sammy, bloody media. Like that bloody Caroline Wilson. I mean a journalist asking questions and also being a woman! It’s not right.

Newman: Oh don’t get me started on her. Just because I humiliated her on TV by dressing up a mannequin in lingerie with her face on it she gets angry.

Dank: It was subtle, clever satire Sammy!

Newman: The world’s out to get white middle-age men like us Stephen.

Dank: You couldn’t be more right. What have I done except inject lots of people with countless substances that they didn’t really understand the effects of?

Newman: It’s a witch-hunt pure and simple.

Dank: I’ve even offered to help James Hird clear his name.

Newman: What did he say?

Dank: Well I did it through the media and weirdly he hasn’t rung.

Newman: That’s strange. I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t want you helping him out.

Dank: Especially after all I’ve done for him.

Newman: Exactly.

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