Oct 28, 2014


Rodney Eade tells Eddie McGuire he’s leaving

After an approach by the Gold Coast Suns to be their next senior coach, Rodney Eade went to see Eddie McGuire to break the news he is leaving.

Rodney Eade: G’Day Eddie, do you mind if I come in?

Eddie McGuire (singing top of his voice): Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight! ….. Afternoon delight!

Eade: I won’t miss that every single morning.

McGuire: What do you mean Rocket?

Eade: I’m leaving Eddie. I’m off to coach the Suns. You know, that team up on the Gold Coast? The one with Gary Ablett’s kid.

McGuire: No, I know that. My joke, you didn’t like my joke?

Eade: It’s a good joke Ed. I’ve just heard it before from you. A lot.

McGuire: It’s because your nickname is Rocket. It was in Anchorman. It’s funny.

We had so many funny gags like that Rocket. Remember that time I dressed up as Mr Squiggle and made you stand beside me all night at the Christmas party?

Eade: I just wanted to say I’m very sad to be leaving.

McGuire: People thought that was hilarious. Bucks seemed to smile when I did it. Hard to tell with him though. You’re not leaving because of Bucks are you?

Eade: No, that’s ridiculous.

McGuire: Did they offer you COLA?

Eade: No Ed. I just had the desire to be an AFL senior coach again.

McGuire: If you stick around here you might get a go half way through the season.

Eade: No Ed. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve really appreciated your support and friendship.

McGuire: And the jokes Rocket, the jokes.