Mar 06, 2014


Paul Little Open Letter: Nothing new, just saying hi

Dear members,

In the club’s crisis communication plan, someone has written ‘Open letter from Paul’ for today.

None of us can remember who put this in the plan and to be candid, we can’t figure out what the open letter was meant to be about.

As you can imagine, I’ve had to write so many of these bloody things it’s hardly surprising someone stuck this in the plan. Odds on, we would normally need one.

It could be a hangover from an earlier draft. Document control is important but is so often overlooked by senior executives. To their peril in my opinion.

I reckon, I’ve written more open letters in the last few months than in my entire career before coming here. It’s just another hassle I don’t really need.

The comms team here are nice and all but I hardly want a bunch of people who could only get a ‘degree’ in media and communications clogging up my office all the time.

That said, a crisis plan is there for a reason and if it says ‘Open letter from Paul’, then you’re going to get an open letter from Paul.

Not much has happened since the last open letter though.

I guess it was nice to see the AFL captains come out against our players being named. Would have been nicer if they’d done that when it was actually happening but still, better late than never I suppose.

Went to a nice restaurant the other night with the family. That was good, although a bit on the pricey side.

What else? Let see…..oh! Australia winning the cricket was great. I didn’t stay up for all of it but caught some highlights this morning.

Anyway, I reckon we can tick this one off as done now.

Of course, I should add, we've done nothing wrong, constant leaking is damaging the integrity of the investigation, media are awful. All that stuff still stands.

Just refer to any of my forty-odd other open letters if you want the detail.


Paul Little
