May 19, 2014


Heritier Lumumba urges people to care about things

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All my life, I've cared about things.

I’m not saying I feel more or care more than you, I’m writing it.

As someone who has cared so much and about so many things, I see it as my mission to tell you about how much I care about these things and to also ask you to try and care more.

Can you care about things as much as me? Of course you can't but you can sure give it a try.

Caring about things requires you to impress upon others how much caring you’re doing.

A question many of you probably want to ask me is ‘what should I care about?’

That’s a good question. The answer of course is things.

They should be big things. Preferably injustices resulting from broad historical trends or overseas situations.

Caring about your family or co-workers does not count at all.

Caring about your local community is difficult, as it results in you having to do menial tasks like working bees and lacks any grand symbolic gestures.

You want to care about things that have cache. Things with hashtag campaigns and their own colour wrist bands or T-shirts are especially good. I always ask to see the marketing campaign before committing to care about something.

That's just best practice.

You should also care about lots of things. Don’t become a single issue carer, you’ll be in danger of getting something done and won’t be able to cover numerous topics at dinner parties,where you can really drive home how much more you care about things.

Caring about lots of things enables you to one up someone else who cares. You care about the environment? That's cool, I do too but I'm also busy caring about craft workers' ability to self-organise in parts of Bolivia.

So today, make it a priority to care about things. It’s not a big ask.

After all, I've already been caring about things since 5.00am this morning when I got up to meditate.

Much love

Heritier Lumumba



Mar 14, 2018

Never forget to smile your beautiful smile. I hope you are married or getting married and planning on kids make your mum happy!! your a darling person and you deserve grace which is bestowed upon you. Jesus Never assigns us tasks we cannot conquer. I didn't know who you were when I met you I'm so proud of you not all are interested in the big things happing around us always have faith. XX Navigate through live and love and know that the devil was beaten a Long time ago. Its god we must fear. X we love him because he loved us first. Xxoo