After the weekend’s loss, Eddie McGuire rings Nathan for a friendly debrief.
Eddie: Nathan, it’s Ed.
Buckley: Oh, I’ve been dreading this call.
Eddie: Why does everyone say that? Anyway, I wanted to talk about the game. You known what the problem was Nathan?
Buckley: Absolutely, it was a lack of accounta…..
Eddie: It’s all the Sydney Swans’ fault.
Buckley: Ahh…was it?
Eddie: All that COLA stuff, its just not right Nathan! You should see how red I am right now.
Buckley: I can only imagine.
Eddie: We need to do something about this! They’re cheating the system!
Buckley: Isn’t everything they’re doing legal and you voted for all of it?
Eddie: That’s the worst type of cheating! They’re doing all those things we said they could do and being smart about it.
Buckley: Isn’t that what they’re meant to do?
Eddie: No! Why couldn’t they take that extra money and give it to the Scully family like the Giants!
Buckley: Maybe you could do a bit of a rant about it on your little TV show and radio program?
Eddie: Yes! That always fixes everything! Thanks Nathan. Oh, by the way, the team better improve or get ready for another succession plan.
mary-anne george
Jul 14, 2014
Edie grow a brain your team is not good enough no good blaming a team that is ten times better than yours because your guys can't win a game I am a true swans supporter win lose or draw we just seem to be winning more than some
aaron h
Jul 14, 2014
Love it!!
Jul 15, 2014
Is it possible that the first commenter thinks this conversation actually happened??
Jul 15, 2014
I'd say it's entirely possible...
Jul 18, 2014
Maybe Collingwood should lobby AFL for a COLIC allowance... Cost Of Living In Collingwood! I wish all Colingwood players & supporters would get COLIC actually.
Dave B
Aug 15, 2014
Is that a possible reflection of the typical Swans fan or could she be a confused Collingwood supporter?