Jul 17, 2016


Brisbane guarantees Leppitsch or the next guy's job

The Brisbane Board have taken steps to stabilise the club, guaranteeing Justin Leppitsch’s job in 2017 or the job of whoever replaces him.

“We know we have the right strategy in place and we have full confidence in Justin or whoever takes his place at the end of the year,” said Lions CEO Greg Swann.

“Justin is a critical part of our organisation right until the moment he isn’t. He is contracted for next season, as will be the person who replaces him in September.”

“What I’m saying, is I guarantee someone will coach us next year and we’re completely behind that person.”

Leppitsch said the club guaranteeing him his job is ‘a huge worry’ and he’s ‘pretty sure it’s all over now’.

“The minute I heard they were guaranteeing my job I jumped on Seek.com and typed in ‘AFL Assistant Coach’.”

“I thought that if we win every game from here on out I’ll get to keep my job but the players have said they’re behind me too so that won’t happen.

“Maybe I could survive the CEO having full faith in me but not the Board. If that happens… well you’re stuffed.”

Brisbane deputy chairman and football director Leigh Matthews said he fully believed that Leppitsch or the next guy will be the person to lead the Lions out of the mire.

“It’s important that Leppitsch, the next guy and quite possibly the guy after that know that I’m behind them.”

“100 per cent behind them or in the case of Justin 70 per cent. Actually, make that 60 per cent. Sixty per cent behind him and 100 per cent behind the next guy.”

Titus O’Reily is doing a live show 2nd September at Yarraville Laughs. Tickets on sale now at http://www.yarravillelaughs.com/gig/titus-oreily