Oct 04, 2012


Brendon Goddard Explains his Decision to Saints Fans

Hey Guys

It’s important to me that you understand and respect my decision to leave the Saints. How important? A bit important.

I want to assure you that this has been one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made.

This may even have been the toughest, except for having to choose between an LCD and plasma TV. That took a lot of thought. I went with the LCD and I’ve regretted it ever since. A mate has a plasma and it just has richer colours. I suppose with my new contract I could lash out and get a plasma. Anyway, I feel I’ve gotten off topic.

You all deserve an explanation of why I chose to leave St Kilda, so here it is.

Essendon offered me about $1 million dollars more! Can you believe it? I can’t. It’s a lot of money. They also gave me an extra year on the contract. How good is that? Tell me you wouldn’t be interested in in an extra million bucks.

What this all means is they gave me 4 years compared to 3 which is better and then $2.9 million compared to $1.9 million which is also better. Do the math yourself. I’ve done it about twenty times and it always works out better.

If I said to you, do you want $1.9 million or $2.9 million and all you have to do is leave your current company and go to another, you’d say sure thing. You wouldn’t even say goodbye or collect your things.

Now we can answer that age old question ‘what price loyalty’ and it turns out it’s about $1million. You’re welcome humanity.

On top of the million bucks and extra year, at Essendon you also get the second half of the season off! How good is that? I’m essentially getting $2.9 million for playing the equivalent of two seasons. I mean, this is just money for jam.

Now I want to address Scott Watters’ comments that, ‘Brendon made a decision that was outside our team-first structure.’

Imagine having to work with someone who speaks like that? What is he, a management consultant? I don’t even understand what he means.

Why didn’t he just say ‘Brendon chose money over loyalty’? It’s way more catchy and people would understand it. Weird.

When Essendon rang, they just said, ‘How would you like a lot of cash?’ I was instantly interested because I understood what they meant.

Anyway, I’m sure you can now see why I made this decision and respect it. If you’re really sad about no longer having me around why don’t you think about switching to Essendon? There’s free agency for fans isn’t there?

Warm Regards
