Apr 25, 2013


Billie Smedts and Josh Caddy Plan a Prank

We reveal the emails that led to Billie Smedts and Josh Caddy’s armed standoff with police.

To: Josh Caddy

From: Billie Smedts


Subject: Best idea ever

Hi mate

I had an amazing idea last night while playing Xbox for six hours. What if we pretended to rob Jackson Thurlow’s new house?

It would give him a real scare. Hilarious huh?


To: Billie Smedts

From: Josh Caddy


Subject: Re:Best idea ever


Awesome. Seriously clever.

You know what’s really good about it? Welcoming someone to Geelong by pretending to break into their home truly reflects the values of the local community.


To: Josh Caddy

From: Billie Smedts


Subject: Re: reBest idea ever

You know what’d be amazing? Balaclavas.

We could drive up in them. Do you think getting some guns would be a good idea? Make it authentic and stuff.

They wouldn’t have to be real guns I guess but there’s a guy at the local pub that can get me anything.


To: Billie Smedts

From: Josh Caddy


Subject: Re: re: reBest idea ever

Maybe hold off on the guns. Apart from that, what could go wrong? This is seriously the best idea I’ve ever heard.


To: Josh Caddy

From: Billie Smedts


Subject: Re: re: re: reBest idea ever

Ok. We’ll go back to your place after training on Thursday and head off from there. Thurlow’s house is number 44.


To: Billie Smedts

From: Josh Caddy


Subject: Re: re: re: re: reBest idea ever

I thought it was number 46. Do you want me to double check?


To: Josh Caddy

From: Billie Smedts


Subject: Re: re: re: reBest idea ever

Nah. I’m pretty sure.


Titus is also on Twitter which he incorrectly thinks is part of ‘the Socialist media’. Follow him to be mildly amused every so often.